Happy Halloween!

It’s this time of the year! The penultimate pagan ritual before the end of the year and the ideal opportunity for many to dress up like ghosts, ghouls and other critters which would scare even me if they really existed.

For me, it is all about imagination, creativity and playing out what usually would be scary, frightening and uncomfortable. Those are all things which I enjoy immensely and I’ve been working on an idea for a Halloween game for some time. The only problem is that I find it very hard though coming up with a novel idea given how many great games are out there already. On steam, a quick search resulted in 750 games and itch.io another 2060!

I guess this is where craftsmanship comes in and the best way forward seems to be to make a game, learn along the way, get feedback, make another game, learn along the way, get feedback, make another game…

In summary, I’ll keep working on it and I’m aiming to publish the first one next year in time for Halloween. In the meantime, in the DOMA office we’ll be having punch, pizza and cake starting Friday lunchtime. After all, it’s about being playful and letting your inner kid free reign for just one day.

What is your plan for the upcoming Halloween weekend?

Back after a break

After a relaxing holiday in the sun, we are back and working hard to finish our Spanish Verb Conjugation game. Unfortunately, we were side tracked by some admin tasks which took longer than expected.

I guess you can empathize with receiving an unexpected letter; which then results in you spending the next few days on formulating a response! This is then followed by more delays, since there appear to be issues with post getting through. Once you receive a response, you find out that there are more questions than answers and off you go again with responding… and this, in a nutshell, is life sometimes. It’s part of what needs to be done to keep DOMA Games up and running. Now that we’ve overcome the obstacles, nothing can hold us back 🙂

Most importantly, we are back in full swing and will share a more in depth progress update late next week!