Alpha is Ready

Alpha is ready. Unfortunately, due to some administrative hurdles, we’re not able to make it available to you today. We are working hard on dotting the i‘s and crossing the t‘s and will have it out to you as soon as practical.

In the meantime, we’re polishing the interface. To give you a feel of what it looks like now, here is the new home screen:

Spanish Verb Conjugation's new home screen.
Spanish Verb Conjugation’s new home screen.

We’re very happy with our new wood textures. It gives it the friendly, rustic feel we’re aiming for. What do you think?

UPDATE: The game is life and you can download it here:

So close and yet so far!

About a month ago, we had only two bugs left to fix. They are fixed now! YAY!

What a great feeling to be so close to releasing our Alpha candidate. Close means we are not over the line though. As we worked through the previous bugs, we noticed some areas we could polish whilst we were at it. The usual unexpected paperwork and challenges with artwork added more delays.

In other words, our new planned release date for Alpha is this week Friday and all signs are positive we’ll get it done.

We’ll keep you posted!

UPDATE: The game is live and you can download it here: