Finishing touches before go live: Spanish Verb Conjugation

Yes, you heard right. We are putting the finishing touches on Spanish Verb Conjugation before releasing in the next few days.

Spanish Verb Conjugation feature graphic
Screenshots from our game:
Flower game (left)
Learn New Verb in order or priority (right)
Select Tenses settings (top middle)
Pick From Three game (bottom middle)

We are specifically checking over the definitions of reflexive verbs that differ from the non-reflexive version of the same verb.

Some are easy such as vestir means to dress (someone) or to wear (something) and vestirse means to get dressed or put on some clothes. Other reflexive verbs are less straight forward. For example, agarrotar means to “to squeeze tightly” and agarrotarse means “to become stiff”.

We are checking all our verbs against official sources such as the RAE which is short for Real Academia Española (or Royal Spanish Academy). It is the definitive source for the correct use of Spanish, and it publishes a complete dictionary. We also use WordReference and even Google Translate. Once we have confirmed the best translation, we update the verbs as needed.

Our FAQs are finished already and we are putting videos in place to help you get the hang of the game quickly.

What else would you want us to come up with before publishing?

UPDATE: You can now download the Spanish Verb Conjugation game here: