Spanish Verb of the day

Today’s verb of the day: leer
Translation: to read

“Leer” is beautifully irregular and exhibits 3 exceptions to the standard conjugation pattern:

1. The participle is “leído” therefore, composite times conjugate as follows
Example: perfect past / pretérito perfecto
yo he leído
tú has leído
él, ella, usted ha leído
nosotros, nosotras hemos leído
vosotros, vosotras habéis leído
ellos, ellas, ustedes han leído

2. Simple past tenses conjugate with a “y” in the 3rd person
yo leí
tú leíste
él, ella, usted leyó
nosotros, nosotras leímos
vosotros, vosotras leísteis
ellos, ellas, ustedes leyeron

3. Based on the 3rd person simple past, the imperfect subjunctive is “leyera”
leyera o leyese
leyeras o leyeses
leyera o leyese
leyéramos o leyésemos
leyerais o leyeseis
leyeran o leyesen
leyeras o leyeses

Want to conjugate correctly every time? 🙂

Practice this regular verb with our Spanish Verb Conjugation game on the Google Play Store!

Spanish Verb Conjugation - pre-game conjugation screen for present tense / presente
Spanish Verb Conjugationpre-game conjugation screen for present tense / presente
Spanish Verb Conjugation - Flower game screenshot
Spanish Verb ConjugationFlower game screenshot
Spanish Verb Conjugation - "Pick from 3" game screenshot
Spanish Verb Conjugation“Pick from 3” game screenshot
Spanish Verb Conjugation - pre-game conjugation screen with irregular verb forms for simple past tense / pretérito indefinido
Spanish Verb Conjugationpre-game conjugation screen with irregular verb forms for simple past tense / pretérito indefinido
Spanish Verb Conjugation - pre-game conjugation screen with irregular verb forms for perfect past tense / pretérito perfecto
Spanish Verb Conjugationpre-game conjugation screen with irregular verb forms for perfect past tense / pretérito perfecto
Spanish Verb Conjugation - pre-game conjugation screen with irregular verb forms for imperfect subjuntive / imperfecto de subjuntivo
Spanish Verb Conjugationpre-game conjugation screen with irregular verb forms for imperfect subjuntive / imperfecto de subjuntivo

Reflection on reflexive verbs

In my humble opinion, we are still at the beginning of the new year. According to statistics though, many people would have given up their good New Year’s resolutions by now.

Don’t be a statistic!

My New Year’s resolution was to conjugate reflexive verbs with ease. If you, like me, have always wanted to learn Spanish, then follow your dream. Only 10 minutes a day will help you improve and maintain your level of Spanish, and our Spanish Verb Conjugation game makes this easy. It provides a fun way to practice your Spanish verbs. Given how important conjugation is in the Spanish language, what better place to start and continue.

Every other day, I pick a random reflexive verb to practice on. I smiled when I saw yesterday’s verb of the day. It was “apresurarse” which means “to hurry up”, or more colloquially “to get a move on”.

Verb of the day “apresurarse” which means “to hurry up”

I wasn’t as fast as I’d hoped, and I also got a conjugation wrong on occasion. However, I managed to complete every round first time – even for the imperative! What a great start for 2023.

Our Spanish Verb Conjugation game is a great help towards your daily dose of Spanish. Install it today and give your resolution a boost.