Ready to publish!

We have been officially incorporated and are now able to publish our games!

It took more time than initially anticipated to find the right incorporation partner, overcome the mountain of paperwork, go back and do it all over again to finally clear the last hurdle so that we now can officially release games. 

 What a great day!

Even better news is that whilst the paperwork was being done in the background, we didn’t stop working on our games. That means that our starter game will be released shortly. Whilst it is a game for us to learn the processes and get used to the various platforms, we will still celebrate it when it’s live.

The game thereafter is close to finishing as well and only needs a bit more polishing before we release it into the wild.

We are even thinking about game number three already. It is is still in the early phases of brainstorming and a clear idea will firm up over the next few weeks.

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In summary: May the hard work begin 🙂