Reflection on reflexive verbs

In my humble opinion, we are still at the beginning of the new year. According to statistics though, many people would have given up their good New Year’s resolutions by now.

Don’t be a statistic!

My New Year’s resolution was to conjugate reflexive verbs with ease. If you, like me, have always wanted to learn Spanish, then follow your dream. Only 10 minutes a day will help you improve and maintain your level of Spanish, and our Spanish Verb Conjugation game makes this easy. It provides a fun way to practice your Spanish verbs. Given how important conjugation is in the Spanish language, what better place to start and continue.

Every other day, I pick a random reflexive verb to practice on. I smiled when I saw yesterday’s verb of the day. It was “apresurarse” which means “to hurry up”, or more colloquially “to get a move on”.

Verb of the day “apresurarse” which means “to hurry up”

I wasn’t as fast as I’d hoped, and I also got a conjugation wrong on occasion. However, I managed to complete every round first time – even for the imperative! What a great start for 2023.

Our Spanish Verb Conjugation game is a great help towards your daily dose of Spanish. Install it today and give your resolution a boost.

Our next big game: “The Cube”!

New year, new game!

Yes, we at DOMA Games have started work on a new puzzle game idea.

We call it “The Cube”, and, in essence, it will be a 3D maze game. More precisely, it will be a 3D spaceship maze, where you can manipulate the environment. In addition, there will be items to collect; including various tools to help you achieve your goals and overcome obstacles.

Your challenge is to get to the next level and safe the spaceship from exploding. Are you as excited as we are? If so, the first MVP is ready to be played, and, whilst still very much a work in progress, we have played through it a few times and we’re hooked already.

Sign up today and join us on the journey as the first cohort to play this exciting new puzzle game!

Photo by Soulful Pizza from Pexels

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all of you!

What a great year it was! We have finished and published our first commercial game and got all our ducks in a row for a successful 2023.

What are your goals for 2023?

If you want to learn Spanish, go and head over to the Google Play Store and download our Spanish Verb Conjugation game to hone your conjugation skills.

If puzzle games are you thing, then get in touch with us to play the very first MVP on our upcoming maze puzzle game.

Whatever you plan for 2023, we wish you much success and even more fun!

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Happy New Year 2023!