Spanish verb of the day: Prolongar

Hola, Conjugation Champions!

Welcome to another edition of your daily Spanish conjugation blog! Today, we’re diving into the verb prolongar, which means “to prolong” or “to extend.” Whether you’re extending your vacation, prolonging a meeting, or stretching out a moment of joy, “prolongar” is the verb you need. Let’s explore its conjugation, uses, and some handy tips to master it.

Definition and Meaning

Prolongar: To prolong, to extend.

Example: Queremos prolongar nuestras vacaciones. (We want to extend our vacation.)

Present Tense Conjugation

  • Yo: prolongo
  • : prolongas
  • Él/Ella/Usted: prolonga
  • Nosotros/Nosotras: prolongamos
  • Vosotros/Vosotras: prolongáis
  • Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes: prolongan

Example: Yo prolongo mi estancia en la ciudad. (I am extending my stay in the city.)

Preterite Tense Conjugation

  • Yo: prolongué
  • : prolongaste
  • Él/Ella/Usted: prolongó
  • Nosotros/Nosotras: prolongamos
  • Vosotros/Vosotras: prolongasteis
  • Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes: prolongaron

Example: Ellos prolongaron la reunión hasta tarde. (They prolonged the meeting until late.)

Imperfect Tense Conjugation

  • Yo: prolongaba
  • : prolongabas
  • Él/Ella/Usted: prolongaba
  • Nosotros/Nosotras: prolongábamos
  • Vosotros/Vosotras: prolongabais
  • Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes: prolongaban

Example: Cuando éramos niños, nosotros prolongábamos nuestras conversaciones hasta la madrugada. (When we were kids, we used to prolong our conversations until dawn.)

Usage Tips

  1. Literal and Figurative Uses: “Prolongar” can be used both literally (e.g., extending a physical object or time period) and figuratively (e.g., prolonging an emotional experience).
  2. Common Contexts: This verb is often used in contexts such as extending deadlines, lengthening meetings, or prolonging vacations and events.
  3. Pronunciation: Remember to emphasize the second syllable: pro-lon-GAR.

Sentence Practice

  • Present Tense: Ellos prolongan su estancia en la playa. (They are extending their stay at the beach.)
  • Preterite Tense: Nosotros prolongamos la fiesta hasta el amanecer. (We extended the party until dawn.)
  • Imperfect Tense: Él siempre prolongaba sus visitas a la abuela. (He always used to prolong his visits to his grandmother.)

Practice Makes Perfect!

Try using “prolongar” in your sentences today. Share your practice sentences on our app’s community board, and don’t forget to check out the practice exercises tailored for you.

Quiz of the Day

Translate the following sentences into Spanish using “prolongar”:

  1. She prolongs her workouts every week.
  2. We extended the project deadline.
  3. They used to prolong their trips every summer.

(Answers at the bottom of this post!)

Keep up the fantastic work, conjugation champions! Practice makes perfect, and every verb you master brings you one step closer to fluency. ¡Hasta mañana!

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s verb and happy conjugating!

DOMA Games team

Spanish Verb Conjugation - pre-game conjugation screen for present tense / presente for verb of the day "prolongar"
Spanish Verb Conjugationpre-game conjugation screen for present tense / presente for verb of the day “prolongar
Spanish Verb Conjugation - Flower game screenshot for verb of the day "prolongar"
Spanish Verb ConjugationFlower game screenshot for verb of the day “prolongar
Spanish Verb Conjugation - Pick from 3 game screenshot for verb of the day "prolongar"
Spanish Verb ConjugationPick from 3 game screenshot for verb of the day “prolongar
Spanish Verb Conjugation - pre-game conjugation screen for simple past tense / pretérito indefinido for verb of the day "prolongar"
Spanish Verb Conjugationpre-game conjugation screen for simple past tense / pretérito indefinido for verb of the day “prolongar

Answers to Quiz

  1. Ella prolonga sus entrenamientos cada semana.
  2. Nosotros prolongamos el plazo del proyecto.
  3. Ellos prolongaban sus viajes cada verano.