Spanish verb of the Day: Rodar

Hola, Conjugation Champions!

Get ready to roll with today’s verb! Our featured word is rodar, which means “to roll“. Whether you’re talking about wheels, dice, or even a movie camera, “rodar” has you covered. Let’s dive into its conjugation, uses, and some practical tips to master it.

Definition and Meaning

Rodar: To roll, to move by turning over and over on an axis, to film (a movie).

Example: Las ruedas empezaron a rodar por la colina. (The wheels started to roll down the hill.)

Present Tense Conjugation

Spanish Verb Conjugation - pre-game conjugation screen for present tense of verb of the day "rodar"
Spanish Verb Conjugationpre-game conjugation screen for present tense of verb of the day “rodar

Usage Tips

  1. Rolling Objects: Use “rodar” when talking about anything that rolls, like balls, wheels, or barrels.
  2. Filming: “Rodar” is also used in the context of shooting a film or video.
  3. Pronunciation: Stress the second syllable: ro-DAR.

Sentence Practice

  • Present Tense: Ruedo la pelota hacia ti. (I roll the ball towards you.)
  • Preterite Tense: Rodaron una película en nuestra ciudad. (They filmed a movie in our city.)
  • Imperfect Tense: Siempre rodábamos por el parque cuando éramos niños. (We always rolled around the park when we were kids.)

Quiz of the Day

Translate the following sentences into Spanish using “rodar”:

  1. The dice will roll soon.
  2. She loves to roll down the hill.
  3. We are going to film a documentary.

(Answers at the bottom of this post!)

Keep rolling, keep learning, and keep refining those Spanish skills! Every verb you master brings you one step closer to fluency. ¡Hasta mañana!

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s verb and enjoy your day!

Daniela from the DOMA Games team

Answers to Quiz

  1. Los dados rodarán pronto.
  2. A ella le encanta rodar por la colina.
  3. Vamos a rodar un documental.