Verb of the Day: Acontecer – Because Life Just Happens! 😂

Hola, Language Lovers!

Today’s verb is a little mysterious, a little elusive, and always third-wheeling. That’s right, we’re talking about “acontecer”—a verb that means “to happen” but only plays in the third person. This quirky little guy is perfect for those moments when you need to describe events without taking any personal responsibility. So, let’s dive in and explore why “acontecer” is the perfect word for when life throws unexpected curveballs your way!

📖 What Does “Acontecer” Mean?

Acontecer: To happen, to occur. It’s used exclusively in the third person, as if to say, “Hey, stuff happens, but don’t look at me!”

Example: Lo que tiene que acontecer, acontecerá. (What has to happen, will happen.)

🌟 The Third-Person Only Club

Why is “acontecer” always in the third person? Well, it’s like that one friend who never takes sides in an argument. It’s there to describe events as they unfold, without pointing fingers. In Spanish, we just accept that some things “happen” without needing a specific subject to do the happening.

Example in Action: Ayer aconteció algo increíble. (Something incredible happened yesterday.) Notice how there’s no “I” or “you” involved—it’s just the universe doing its thing!

😅 When Life “Acontecers” You

We all have those days when things just happen. Like when you drop your phone and, miraculously, it doesn’t break (thank you, phone gods!). Or when you finally remember that thing you forgot all day just as you’re falling asleep. That’s “acontecer” in action!

Practical Tip: Use “acontecer” when you want to describe events in a neutral, somewhat mysterious way. It’s perfect for narrating epic tales, describing the inexplicable, or just making your life sound more poetic.

💬 Fun Sentence Practice

Let’s practice using “acontecer” in a sentence:

  • Aconteció algo que nadie esperaba. (Something happened that no one expected.)
  • No sabemos cuándo acontecerá la próxima aventura. (We don’t know when the next adventure will happen.)

🤔 Quiz Time!

Translate these sentences using “acontecer”:

  1. Something strange happened last night.
  2. The best things happen when you least expect it.
  3. What will happen tomorrow?

(Answers at the bottom, as always!)

So, the next time life pulls a fast one on you, remember, it’s just “acontecer” doing its thing. No one’s to blame, it just happens! Keep practicing, and don’t forget to share your favorite “acontecer” moments on our app’s community board.

Stay curious and keep those verbs happening!

Daniela from the DOMA Games team

📝 Answers to Quiz

  1. Aconteció algo extraño anoche.
  2. Las mejores cosas acontecen cuando menos lo esperas.
  3. ¿Qué acontecerá mañana?