Verb of the Day: Calcar

Hey there, language lovers! Ready to draw some fun with today’s verb? Our verb of the day is calcar, which means “to trace“. Whether you’re tracing a masterpiece or your hand for a turkey drawing, “calcar” is your go-to verb! Let’s outline some hilariously relatable moments and examples with this verb!

📖 Definition and Meaning

Calcar: To trace, to copy.

Example: Tracé mi propia firma porque no podía hacerlo bien. (I traced my own signature because I couldn’t do it right.)

🌟 Present Tense Conjugation

Spanish Verb Conjugation - pre-game conjugation screen for present tense of verb of the day "calcar"
Spanish Verb Conjugationpre-game conjugation screen for present tense of verb of the day “calcar

😆 Fun with Calcar

Ever been caught “tracing” an art piece for school and calling it “original”? Or maybe you just want to recreate that perfect meme template. We’ve all been there!

Example Sentence: ¿Por qué dibujar desde cero cuando puedes calcar como un profesional? (Why draw from scratch when you can trace like a pro?)

🎨 Practice Your Tracing Skills!

Challenge yourself by tracing a complicated drawing today, or maybe just your favorite celebrity’s autograph. Either way, remember, tracing isn’t just for kids—it’s a skill!

📝 Quick Quiz

Translate the following into Spanish using “calcar”:

  1. He traced the outline of the map.
  2. They like to trace pictures from comic books.
  3. We traced the design onto the fabric.

(Answers at the bottom!)

So, grab your pencils, paper, and tracing sheets, and get ready to calcar! Who knew language learning could be this fun?

Hasta la próxima, and keep those lines straight!

Daniela from the DOMA Games team

📝 Quiz Answers

  1. Él calcó el contorno del mapa.
  2. Les gusta calcar imágenes de cómics.
  3. Calcamos el diseño en la tela.