Verb of the Day: Deificar 🚀

Definition: To deify, to treat someone like a god. Perfect for those moments when someone is just a bit too impressed with your coffee-making skills or your ability to fix the Wi-Fi!

Why “Deificar” is Divine

Welcome to the magical world of “deificar,” where mere mortals can be elevated to god-like status with a well-timed act of kindness or an incredible talent. This verb is your go-to for those times when someone is praised a little too much—because who hasn’t felt like a deity after acing a home-cooked meal or winning a video game?

Present Tense Conjugation:

Spanish Verb Conjugation - pre-game conjugation screen for present tense of verb of the day "deificar"
Spanish Verb Conjugationpre-game conjugation screen for present tense of verb of the day “deificar

Example Sentence:

  • Español: Espero que no me deifiques por hacer buen café.
  • English: I hope you don’t deify me for making good coffee.

The Divine Stem Change

Here’s the twist: in the present subjunctive, “deificar” undergoes a stem change to maintain that divine sound. It changes from “deific-” to “deifiqu-“.

Subjunctive Conjugation:

Spanish Verb Conjugation - pre-game conjugation screen for present subjuntive of verb of the day "deificar"
Spanish Verb Conjugationpre-game conjugation screen for present subjuntive of verb of the day “deificar

This little change keeps the verb flowing smoothly, like a true linguistic deity!

Quick Quiz: Are You Ready to Deify?

  1. How do you say “I hope you deify me” in Spanish?
    • a) Espero que me deificas
    • b) Espero que me deifiques
    • c) Espero que me deifica
  2. What is the present tense form of “we deify”?
    • a) Nosotros deificamos
    • b) Nosotros deifiquemos
    • c) Nosotros deificáis
  3. Which form is correct in the subjunctive for “they deify”?
    • a) Ellos deifican
    • b) Ellos deifiquen
    • c) Ellos deifiquen

Why Use “Deificar”?

Incorporating “deificar” into your Spanish vocabulary is not just about learning a new word—it’s about adding a touch of drama and flair to your conversations. Imagine telling your friends how you were practically deified at work for fixing the printer jam. The possibilities are endless!

So, next time someone goes above and beyond, don’t just thank them. Deify them (but only if they deserve it)!

Stay tuned for more verb adventures, and keep your Spanish skills god-like! Embrace your inner deity and master the art of “deificar” today!

Daniela from the DOMA Games team


  1. b) Espero que me deifiques
  2. a) Nosotros deificamos
  3. c) Ellos deifiquen