Verb of the Day: Rectificar 🛠️

Definition: To rectify, to correct, to make things right. Whether it’s fixing a small slip-up or a major faux pas, “rectificar” is the verb you need!

Making the Right Moves: Present Tense & Subjunctive Twist

Present Tense Conjugation:

Spanish Verb Conjugation - pre-game conjugation screen for present tense of verb of the day "rectificar"
Spanish Verb Conjugationpre-game conjugation screen for present tense of verb of the day “rectificar

But hold on—things get spicy in the present subjunctive! When we want to express wishes, doubts, or hypothetical situations, “rectificar” undergoes a little transformation: the ‘c’ becomes ‘qu’ to keep that ‘k’ sound strong. So, we get rectifique, rectifiques, rectifique, rectifiquemos, rectifiquĂ©is, rectifiquen.

Spanish Verb Conjugation - Pick from 3 game for verb of the day "rectificar"
Spanish Verb ConjugationPick from 3 game for verb of the day “rectificar

Example Sentence:

  • Español: Siempre rectifico mis errores en el trabajo.
  • English: I always rectify my mistakes at work.

Fun Fact: The present subjunctive is like the fashion week of verbs—it’s where they show off their stylish changes. For “rectificar,” it’s all about that subtle yet chic consonant swap, from ‘c’ to ‘qu’. Just imagine: “Espero que tĂş rectifiques” (I hope you rectify), because everyone deserves a chance to fix things with flair!

So, whether you’re making corrections in your Spanish homework or straightening out life’s little wrinkles, “rectificar” has got your back. Embrace the verb that keeps everything on the right path, and remember—when in doubt, just rectifica!

Stay tuned for more verb adventures, and keep on rectifying your Spanish skills with us!

Hasta mañana!
Daniela from the DOMA Games team