Join the Rebel Engine team event on 9 April

DOMA Games uses the free and open source software Rebel Engine as game engine and their next event will be held on 9 April at 16:00 GMT.

Rebel Engine - free and open source software game engine

Rebel Toolbox are starting to hold regular, monthly online meetings to connect with game developers, game artists and other interested parties in their community. They are still a new group and want to know from you directly how they should improve their Rebel tools.

What would you like to know about Rebel?

Rebel calls will be held on every first Tuesday of the month at 16:00 UTC (currently aligned with GMT).

Our next event will take place on Tuesday, 9 April 2024, 16:00 GMT.

Email Rebel on to get early access or join them on the day to find out more about Rebel Toolbox, the team and how you can benefit.

So close and yet so far!

About a month ago, we had only two bugs left to fix. They are fixed now! YAY!

What a great feeling to be so close to releasing our Alpha candidate. Close means we are not over the line though. As we worked through the previous bugs, we noticed some areas we could polish whilst we were at it. The usual unexpected paperwork and challenges with artwork added more delays.

In other words, our new planned release date for Alpha is this week Friday and all signs are positive we’ll get it done.

We’ll keep you posted!

UPDATE: The game is live and you can download it here:

Happy Halloween!

It’s this time of the year! The penultimate pagan ritual before the end of the year and the ideal opportunity for many to dress up like ghosts, ghouls and other critters which would scare even me if they really existed.

For me, it is all about imagination, creativity and playing out what usually would be scary, frightening and uncomfortable. Those are all things which I enjoy immensely and I’ve been working on an idea for a Halloween game for some time. The only problem is that I find it very hard though coming up with a novel idea given how many great games are out there already. On steam, a quick search resulted in 750 games and another 2060!

I guess this is where craftsmanship comes in and the best way forward seems to be to make a game, learn along the way, get feedback, make another game, learn along the way, get feedback, make another game…

In summary, I’ll keep working on it and I’m aiming to publish the first one next year in time for Halloween. In the meantime, in the DOMA office we’ll be having punch, pizza and cake starting Friday lunchtime. After all, it’s about being playful and letting your inner kid free reign for just one day.

What is your plan for the upcoming Halloween weekend?

“Roll a dice and move is dead” – or is it?

Recently, I heard that “Roll a dice and move is dead. Don’t do it.”

This comment started me thinking on whether this is true. Is this board game mechanic indeed a thing of the past?

First and foremost, I agree that very simple games implementing this mechanic as the only mechanic are not very exciting. These games still have a place though in that they are suited to younger players who still relish the excitement of “Snakes and ladders” or “Ludo” or the “Game of the Goose”.

Also, there are plenty of enjoyable games which need a bit more engagement in addition to the dice roll. “Backgammon” comes to mind as a good example for adults or “Enchanted Forest” for the whole family. Or how about “Trivial Pursuit”, which reduces the element of luck by combining it with questions that you either can or cannot answer?

Of course, there are also many games using the “roll and move” mechanic but in a slightly different way. For example in the game “Camel Up” where all the dice rolls are revealed at the same time instead of taking turns.

Now how does this apply to video games?

All of the above holds true for some of the more commonly used video game mechanics such as simple platformers using jumping as the only mechanic. Now imagine a jump coupled with a somersault whilst shooting a boomerang at a target to save your second avatar’s life. Would you be more interested? Yes, me too.

In short, it is not the mechanic that is the issue but the lack of novelty or excitement created by it.

Having gone over this topic for a few days now, I feel like trying to create a “roll a dice and move” style game or a traditional yet interesting side scrolling platformer. It sure will be a challenge to come up with something new and interesting.

Ready to publish!

We have been officially incorporated and are now able to publish our games!

It took more time than initially anticipated to find the right incorporation partner, overcome the mountain of paperwork, go back and do it all over again to finally clear the last hurdle so that we now can officially release games. 

 What a great day!

Even better news is that whilst the paperwork was being done in the background, we didn’t stop working on our games. That means that our starter game will be released shortly. Whilst it is a game for us to learn the processes and get used to the various platforms, we will still celebrate it when it’s live.

The game thereafter is close to finishing as well and only needs a bit more polishing before we release it into the wild.

We are even thinking about game number three already. It is is still in the early phases of brainstorming and a clear idea will firm up over the next few weeks.

Sign up to our newsletter to be notified of the upcoming releases so as not to miss them

In summary: May the hard work begin 🙂

Our logo

First step in our journey to go public is to share our logo with the world. Here it is.

We wanted it to be colourful and show diversity whilst staying simple and being readable even at small size. It looks like blocks since all games should still be fun if you remove the graphics and use blocks as characters. If you think it’s a crazy idea, have you ever played Tetris?

DOMA logo

What do you think of it?

We have arrived!

After 2 long years of working towards starting a small, smart, indie games company, we have arrived! Yes, at long last, we have arrived at the start.

Our name, logo and purpose are agreed upon and we are ready to start making games. YEAH!

Now, being ready is great but that also means that the vast world of games to be made is now open to us and that is somewhat scary. What will be fun to play? Who to work with? How to publish our games? Will we like our own games? Where to start?

Let’s start at the beginning. We are a 2 person game making team with an eclectic mix of skills which complement, overlap and at times confront. Hardly any of the skills relate directly to making games which makes you think: how nuts are we exactly? We don’t know and we are sure to find out.

We hope you come along the journey and play our games, enjoy them or tell us what you want changed. Bring on the fun! And meaning… and purpose… and different ways to look at the world.

Let the journey begin!!!