Our next big game: “The Cube”!

New year, new game!

Yes, we at DOMA Games have started work on a new puzzle game idea.

We call it “The Cube”, and, in essence, it will be a 3D maze game. More precisely, it will be a 3D spaceship maze, where you can manipulate the environment. In addition, there will be items to collect; including various tools to help you achieve your goals and overcome obstacles.

Your challenge is to get to the next level and safe the spaceship from exploding. Are you as excited as we are? If so, the first MVP is ready to be played, and, whilst still very much a work in progress, we have played through it a few times and we’re hooked already.

Sign up today and join us on the journey as the first cohort to play this exciting new puzzle game!

Photo by Soulful Pizza from Pexels

Our mascot: Georgy

So what has happened since last time?

On our Spanish Verb Conjugation game, we have implemented a speed slider; so you set the speed of how fast the verbs move across the screen! We also added scroll buttons to the revision section; so, if you have more than 10 verbs to revise, you can scroll through them rather than having to pick them off one by one.

The settings section is also updated to make it easier to understand your options and choose between them.

Most importantly, we have added a section where you can review your progress and visualise your learning streaks. You’re in control of what you set as your goal and that is what you’ll be measured against – nothing more, nothing less. Get in touch to be on the early user list to try it out for yourself!

My favourite update though is that the first version of our mascot is ready. It’s Georgy, a little bull who is happy to see you and will smile when you get a word right.

Georgy, our friendly bull mascot, helping you learn Spanish verb conjugation

What do you think?  

UPDATE: The game is live and you can download it here:


Mine Sweeper is in Early Access

After a steep learning curve, and a lot of effort, we’re close to publishing our first game. It’s now available for open testing. The first 100 people will be eligible to take part in testing the game and provide early access feedback.

We think the game plays well with no known bugs. In addition to being able to customize the dimensions of the field and the number of mines, it now includes visual feedback: a fireworks display when winning and an explosion when losing.

Try it for yourself today by downloading the game for free at Mine Sweeper in the Google Play Store, and let us know what you think.

Have fun and enjoy the game!
